Launchpad Resources

I recently set up the Classics Launchpad on the front page of CyberCaesar. It has already proven to be quite popular and within a just a couple of days I’ve received a lot of positive feedback. The Launchpad is designed to be a front page for teaching Classics, a hub Read more…

Latin in a BYOD/1:1 school

How does the teaching of Latin change in a school that has a Bring Your Own Device policy or has a programme of giving devices to staff and pupils (known as a one-to-one or 1:1 programme)? Evolution of tech in teaching The introduction of digital technologies with our schools is Read more…

Ave CyberCaesar!

We are very excited to announce the official launch of our site CyberCaesar. We are now open for business! CyberCaesar is a website for the teaching and learning of Latin. Everything you need to understand the language can be found on our site. Although designed for the classroom, the course Read more…